Agovirax®, nasal spray, 20ml

Medical device

14.49 EUR

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For the prophylaxis and supportive treatment of viral infections of the respiratory tract.

For use in adults and children from 1 year.
May be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding.

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Therapeutic indications

Agovirax is indicated for the prophylaxis and supportive treatment of viral infections of the respiratory tract.
Agovirax can shorten the duration of flu-like illnesses and alleviate the severity of cold symptoms. Agovirax can reduce new infections and resurgence of virus-related cold symptoms.
Agovirax can be used additionally for the preventive and sustainable moistening of the nasal mucosa and thus for the prophylaxis and supportive treatment of all complaints resulting from dry and irritated nasal mucosa.

Mode of action

Low humidity and air pollution can lead to a dry nasal mucous membrane. However, the nose is only able to fulfil its filtering function if the nasal mucous membrane is sufficiently moistened. Agovirax forms a moisturising protective film on the nasal mucous membrane. This liquid layer serves as a physical barrier against external influences. The sustained moistening can guard against common cold and flu-like illness caused by cold viruses.

The nose is the most common route of infection for viruses that trigger common cold and flu-like illness. Flu-like illnesses are caused by viruses such as rhinoviruses and coronaviruses for example. If viruses have penetrated into the nose, they can attach themselves to the mucous membrane and infect mucosal cells where they multiply and spread. This results in the typical symptoms of a cold, like a blocked or runny nose, sore throat and/or headache, cough, etc.

In the early stages of a disease you often cannot distinguish with certainty between a common cold and influenza. Influenza is a potentially serious disease; the definitive diagnosis requires a doctor.

Agovirax contains iota-carrageenan, a marine substance derived from red algae.  Iota-carrageenan has a dual positive effect.

  • Agovirax forms a protective barrier against cold viruses. Common cold and flu-like illnesses are caused by a large variety of viruses, examples are rhinoviruses and coronaviruses. Iota-carrageenan non-specifically envelopes cold viruses and prevents their adhesion to mucous membranes. Thereby, the reproduction and spreading of viruses responsible for infecting the airways is reduced.
  • Agovirax forms a moisturising protective film. Due to the action of iota-carrageenan, this film remains longer on the nasal mucosa and serves as a physical barrier against external influences. This physiological moisture film supports the body’s natural defences against cold viruses.

When should Agovirax not be used?

In case of known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.

Possible side effects of Agovirax

At present, no other side effects besides very rare cases of hypersensitivity are known. There are no known interactions.
Studies on interactions with other products were not performed.

Special precautions for safe use

Agovirax has a local action. Iota-carrageenan is not absorbed by the cells of the nasal mucosa.
Agovirax may be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
If the symptoms persist, you must consult a doctor.
For hygienic reasons and to avoid the transmission of pathogens, one spray bottle should always be used by one and the same person.
Keep out of the sight and reach of children!

Further information

Agovirax may be used for a longer period of time. There is no potential for addiction or risk of overdose.
Agovirax contains the natural substance iota-carrageenan.
Agovirax is a medical device and clinically tested.
Agovirax contains no analgesic, no preservative, no constituent of animal origin or greenhouse gas.
Agovirax is lactose- and gluten-free and can be used by diabetics and vegans.
Agovirax has no decongestant effect, contains no preservatives. A sterile filter guarantees the sterility of the solution even after repeated use.

Package size

20 ml bottle with spray pump; 1 puff = 0.14 ml of solution (142 puffs in total).

Storage instructions

Store between 5 °C and 30 °C.
Protect from light.

Manufactured by: Hälsa Pharma GmbH, Lübeck, Germany

Agovirax is a clear, colorless, viscous solution without odour. 1 ml of the solution contains 1.2 mg iota-carrageenan, 0.4 mg kappa-carrageenan, sodium chloride and purified water.

At first signs of a flu-like infection (e.g., throat pain, tingling or runny nose, etc.), one puff should be sprayed at least 3 times daily into each nostril. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible after the onset of the first cold symptoms and be continued until the symptoms have subsided. If fever develops or there is no improvement after 1 week of treatment, a physician should be consulted.

For moisturising dry nasal mucosa, spray few puffs into the nose several times a day depending on individual requirements.

  • Remove the protection cap and pump a few times if necessary until a uniform atomised spray is discharged. Agovirax is now ready for use.
  • To prevent injury, the nozzle should be carefully inserted into each nostril! When spraying, the bottle should be kept upright.
  • After use, please put the protective cap back on the nozzle.

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